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Brazil, Cities and towns Ilheus Itacaré

Itacaré is a small town in the cocoa zone of the state of Bahia, south of Salvador, with beautiful beaches, good vibes and generous nature. The ambiance in Itacaré is unique. Surf culture is present everywhere. The Bahians are friendly and like to party. At night there’s an air of magic in the little bars in town. With many people from all over the world who came to live in Itacaré, the atmosphere is cosmopolite, relaxed, typically Bahian and definitely different from any other place in Brazil. The coast of Itacaré is a succession of beaches and hills covered with palms and tropical forest. The region is a perfect setting for Adventure Sports like white-water rafting, canyoning, biking, kayaking, paragliding...


Hotels in Ilheus Itacaré

Services in Ilheus Itacaré

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