Корпоративный и индивидуальный туризм в Бразилии
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Fishing in Brazil, especially popular destinations, types of fish.

Brazilian fishing is reserved for travellers as Brazilians aren’t very fish crazy. This means more fish for those who are, but also restricts the large country to one main fishing route. Luckily it is the Amazon River.

Here, in criss-crossing tributaries and lagoons, outfitters compete to bring fishermen to the remotest and most un-fished stretches of the river in hunt of the famous peacock trout. These river leviathans are a tropic treasure worth the arduous upstream trip. Most fishing outfits are for both the serious fisherman and those wishing for luxurious accommodation.

Beautiful fishing lodges dot the river banks and are accessible by boat or float plane. A number of shallow hulled yachts also go as far as they can. These can both cost around 4 to 5 thousand dollars a week. The most remote access is granted to those who use a float plane to reach floating tents.

These are towed to shallow and otherwise inaccessible stretches of the river and promise pristine fishing and luxury tent living. There is nothing but fishing around the clock and perhaps not the best suited vacation for the family minnows. Be weary of outfitters that venture too far into the wild, tourists can bring diseases to contacted tribes.

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